Lab 4 (2D Mass Spring System)

Simulation and Modeling (CSCI 3010U)

Faisal Z. Qureshi

Faculty of Science, Ontario Tech University

Check Course Canvas for Due Date

Consider the mass-spring system shown below. Simulate the following system.

mass spring system

The red circle denotes the location of the friction less hinge, and the blue squares denote the two masses.

Some comments

Simulation in action

For the video that you see below:
- both masses are set to \(1\);
- the rest lengths for both springs is \(10\);
- the spring and damping coefficients for both springs are \(10\) and \(0.2\), respectively; and
- the initial point masses locations are \((10,10)\) and \((20,-2)\), respectively.

- The springs are not shown;
- The first spring is connected to a friction less hinge at \((0,0)\) at one end and the red mass at the other end; and
- The second spring is connected to the red mass on one end and the green mass on the other end.